- Mama appears excited, but Beneatha mentions that she wonders where this baby is going to sleep as they are already cramped into the space that they have available. Ruth also seems more upset by the situation than excited. Asagai shows up at the door...Link: https://englishforums.com/English/ApprovedAnswer/bvwvrw/post.htm
- He explains that his nickname for Beneatha, Alaiyo, is a Yoruba word meaning one for whom food is not enough. After Asagai leaves, Beneatha soon follows. The mailman brings the mail, and Mama asks Travis to go fetch it. She is hesitant to open the...Link: https://haining-akupunktur.dk/r0mryorz6/intermolecular-forces-worksheet.html
- Buy Study Guide The Younger house is full of anticipation as the family awaits the arrival of the insurance check. Mama cleans the kitchen as Beneatha sprays for cockroaches. Travis, finished with his chores, wants to go outside and play. Beneatha and Travis all inquire where Ruth has gone this morning, and discover that she is at the doctor. The phone rings: Beneatha's friend Asagai wants to come over. Even though the house is messy, Beneatha allows him to come because Asagai does not let superficial things influence his judgment. Mama, however, is not pleased because she feels her house is a reflection of herself.Link: https://pinterest.com/jlv463/medical-facts/
- Beneatha then begins to deliver a diatribe about Asagai's native country so that Beneatha will not be embarrassed by her mother's comments. Asagai, Beneatha tells her mother, is from Nigeria. Beneatha informs her mother that even though she donates money to missionary workers in Africa, the real threat to Africa is colonialism. Ruth comes home from the doctor and despairingly announces that she is pregnant. Mama is enthusiastic about any new member of the family, but both Beneatha and Ruth are worried about finding the resources with which to provide for the child. Ruth has already inquired about getting an abortion. The conversation is interrupted when Travis gets into trouble for chasing rats with his friends. Asagai arrives carrying a large package. He greets Beneatha as Alaiyo. Asagai has just returned from his studies in Canada, but is more interested in discussing their relationship than his studies.Link: http://handtherapy.com/quiz.asp?qid=24
- While Asagai knows how he feels, Beneatha still needs time to figure out whether she loves him in return. Asagai gives Beneatha a Nigerian robe and promises to teach her how to drape it. Asagai's light comment about her straightened hair sparks a debate. Asagai feels that Beneatha's decision to straighten her hair rather than wear it naturally, in an afro, is symptomatic of the broader problem of assimilation amongst blacks in the United States. Beneatha adamantly denies being an assimilationist. Asagai dismisses her serious nature in a paternalistic manner and returns to the topic of their relationship. As Beneatha again reasserts her feminist viewpoints, Mama enters the room and the conversation shifts. Beneatha introduces Lena to Asagai. Mama, determined to prove to her daughter that she understands her modern viewpoints on Africa, recites Beneatha's previous tutorial on the injustice of Africa's colonialism and the infiltration of Christianity.Link: http://fap.sc.gov.br/notes/views-312-39_Real--Exam-Answers-738384/
- Having "flashed a superior look at her daughter upon completion of her recitation, " Lena becomes truly sympathetic towards Asagai. She looks at him like her own son, asking him if he misses his mom and inviting him to come over to eat since he is so far away from home. The check arrives, and Travis brings it to his grandmother. The family is at first very excited, checking to make sure the amount is correct. Then, the gravity of the situation hits Lena. As she realizes this the compensation for her husband's life, she sobers and says, "Ten thousand dollars they give you. Ten thousand dollars. Lena senses something is amiss, but Walter soon enters and is too preoccupied by the insurance check to be worried about his wife. Walter excitedly brings up the liquor store investment, but Mama shoots him down immediately. Walter, upset, gets up to leave. Ruth, wanting to talk to him, gets her coat too. Frustrated and unable to reason with him, Ruth goes into the bedroom.Link: https://acaai.org/allergies/types-allergies/food-allergy/types-food-allergy/egg-allergy
- Lena, disturbed by the relationship between her son and her daughter-in-law, tries to figure out what is going on with Walter. Walter expresses how he is tired of his situation and wants to make more money. She tries to put things in perspective, and talks about when freedom used to be the most important thing to their ancestors. Walter still objects, and as a last attempt to put things in perspective, Lena tells her son that Ruth is pregnant and has been considering getting an abortion. Ruth, having just come out of the bedroom, confirms the story. Lena expects her son to be enraged and to talk some sense into Ruth, but Walter is speechless.Link: https://av.docxb.site/MGI
- Lena, in turn, becomes furious. As Walter walks out of the door, Lena says, "You are a disgrace to your father's memory. Analysis It becomes clearer that Walter's impulses are primarily class-motivated. After describing to his mother how he sees wealthy white men downtown, he expresses a very important principle that is at the crux of the formulation of his identity. MAMA Son-how come you talk so much 'bout money? In this statement, Hansberry reveals that Walter's dreams and aspirations are a perversion of the American dream. The American dream in its entirety upholds intangibles such as liberty, justice, and equality. Walter's version, however, has reduced this dream into the crude, materialistic desire for money. Walter has accepted a corrupt middle class ideology that places money and power above all else. As he is unable to achieve that which he most desires, a peculiar breed of bitterness begins to consume him.Link: https://wturetailenergy.com/pay-bill-now
- And tell it to me, Mama, every time we need a new pair of curtains and I have to watch you go out and work in somebody's kitchen. Economic oppression hinders Walter's ability to fulfill his roles as a father, a husband, and a son. Up until now, Walter has "performed" these roles despite his inability to truly fulfill them. He plays his part well: when Travis asks for fifty cents, he gives his son a dollar even though he does not have enough money left to get to work. However, when his wife tells him she is considering an abortion, Walter is no longer able to perform the role of the content husband. His mother expects him to be like his father. MAMA I'm waiting to hear how you be your father's son. Be the man he was The silence shouts Your wife say she going to destroy your child. And I'm waiting to hear you talk like him and say we a people who give children life, not who destroys them- she rises I'm waiting to see you stand up and look like your daddy and say we done give up one baby to poverty and that we ain't going to give up nary another one I'm waiting.Link: https://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070925084319AA0yzLH
- She continues, bitterly You You are a disgrace to your father's memory. Somebody get me my hat! The world the Youngers live in stifles reproduction and forward motion. Walter is unable to provide for the physical needs of his unborn child, and is unable to reproduce the model of masculinity given to him by his father. Lena pushes her son to act like his father, but Walter is unable to do so. He falters under his mother's gaze, and must run away from her disapproving stare. With such a brief play, Hansberry is able to address a remarkable number of issues pertinent to the African-American community.Link: https://bookbaby.com/book-marketing-services/
- One issue dealt with in this scene is the relationship between African-Americans and Africa. Like many cultures who have experienced Diaspora, there is a disconnect between the native and displaced peoples. Mama represents the knowledge base of the majority of African-Americans about Africa at that time. She believes the image perpetuated by the media which includes not only radio and television but also plays about Africa. One misconception Beneatha brings up is about Africans not wearing clothes, like in Tarzan. Beneatha also addresses the danger of the church's "saving missions" to Africa. Beneatha explains how this paternalistic attitude is misdirected, and says that what Africa really needs is to be rescued from French and British imperialism.Link: https://mockquestions.com/company/SGV+%26+Co./
- The stage directions say that the living room in the Younger apartment might he comfortable and well-ordered, but ''weariness" has "won in this room. What details of the setting show that the apartment is crowded? How does the apartment building itself create problems for the Younger family as they begin the day?Link: https://wikihow.com/Use-and-Read-an-Outside-Micrometer
- When Walter comes into the living room, what thoughts are on his mind? What does he ask Ruth? When is the check coming? Walter tells Ruth that she looks young this morning and calls her "baby. When Walter's son, Travis, comes out of the bathroom, what does he ask? Walter and Ruth react differently when Travis asks for money for school. What are Walter's and Ruth's attitudes about money? Ruth tells Walter she doesn't want to know what he has been thinking about Why?Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=FHp3oglF4FM
- Why does Mama claim he worked himself to death? How much does Mama value religion? How does she react to Beneatha's denial of God? Mama compares her plant to her children. How are the plant and the children alike? What does the plant symbolize to Mama? What does Mama ask Ruth to do at the end of this scene? What happens to Ruth? Act I, Scene II When does Scene II begin? What are Mama and Beneatha doing as this scene begins? What is Walter doing? Who does Beneatha invite to the apartment?Link: https://iasbaba.com/2019/02/rstv-ias-upsc-dgp-selection/
- How does she tell Mama to act around this person? What is revealed about Ruth and where she has been? What is she thinking about doing, and why might she be considering such a thing? Asagai arrives, bringing gifts for Beneatha. What are the gifts? What does Asagai represent to Beneatha? What does Asagai say and do to encourage Beneatha's search for her identity? Soon after Asagai leaves, the mail carrier delivers the insurance check. How much is the check worth? Why does Mama's expression become sober and then unhappy when she holds the check? Walter rushes in demanding to know whether the check has arrived. How does he show his insensitivity to the situation at home? How do Walter's and Mama's views of the meaning of life conflict?Link: http://ivcfilter.nm.org/uploads/4/6/4/4/46444913/inferior_vena_cava_placement_4-10.pdf
- How does Mama try to influence Walter at the end of the scene? What does she reveal to him? Act II, Scene I When does Act II begin? What is Beneatha doing as the first scene opens? What is she wearing? Why does Walter join her in the dance? How does the arrival of George Murchison change the mood of the scene? Beneatha calls George an "assimilationist. What is Walter's attitude toward George? What is George's attitude toward Walter?Link: https://ozjam.com/
- Who is Prometheus, and why does George call Walter by that name? How does Ruth try to ease Walter's mood? What evidence is there that Walter and Ruth still love each other, despite their problems? What news does Mama break to the family in this scene? How do Ruth and Walter react to Mama's news? What does Walter accuse Mama of? In what condition is the apartment when Beneatha arrives home from a date with George? What sort of woman does George say he wants Beneatha to be? And why doesn't George want to listen to Beneatha's ideas? When Beneatha asks George why he goes to college, what is his reply? After George leaves, Mama asks Beneatha if she had a good time on her date. Beneatha replies that George is a fool. Why does she say this? Why does Beneatha thank her mother? How does Ruth find out that Walter has not been to work for three days? What has Walter been doing instead of going to work? How does Mama react to Walter's explanation of where he's been?Link: https://mundoalbiceleste.com/author/actual-nse5-fct-6-2-exam-braindumps/
- What does she give Walter, and how does Walter react to being entrusted with it? When Walter tells Travis that he wants to hand him the world, what sort of life is Waiter envisioning for his family? Beneatha and Ruth are busy packing when Ruth tells Beneatha how happy she is with the change in Walter. What are three examples that show Walter has changed in the past week? Why does Mr. Lindner come to the Youngers' apartment? Why don't the residents of Clybourne Park want the Youngers in their neighborhood?Link: https://glassdoor.com/Overview/Working-at-JRC-Transportation-EI_IE467233.11,29.htm
- How does Waiter react to Lindner's offer? What is significant about Mama's preparing her plant for the move as she listens to the details of the encounter with Lindner? How does Walter respond to Mama's determination? What gifts does the family give Mama? Why are the gifts appropriate? Why doesn't Walter answer the door immediately when the bell rings? Who is at the door? What news does this person bring, and how does Walter react to the news?Link: https://dfhfreight.com/shipping-lithium-batteries-from-china/
- Here is the example from the text; till-ten-thirty English. Created by. He offers to help with packing, but Beneatha tells him that her brother gave away all of their money. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Now here are the sound devices I found from " A Raisin in the sun" Act 1 scene 2. See all. Or fester like a sore And then run? Played times. What did Ruth find out at the doctor's office? Whatever your answer, …. In the climax of the play, he chooses dignity. Ask students explore what identity means to them. Act I Scene One: Friday morning.Link: https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1558464638/strakejesuitorg/ws29khfjqd5k8xdspnlu/2019APCalculusBC.pdf
- A Raisin in the Sun was considered a realistic portrayal of a contemporary problem, yet it has. Act 3 study guide. She was the first African-American female author to have a play performed on Broadway. Her best known work, the play The third act of A Raisin in the Sun is a single scene. Beneatha tells him a story about why she wants to be a … Or does it explode? The mood is much more ominous as no one moves much or speaks until Asagai walks into the room. What details of the setting show that the apartment is crowded?. Hansberry explores the prejudice against Africa through many of the characters. Alliteration What is alliteration? Act I, Scene I. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. What physical details of the living room set show these qualities? Played 0 times. Africa is associated with hope, nobility Discussion questions for a raisin in the sun act 1 scene 1 answers.Link: https://keralapsc.gov.in/previous-question-papers?tid=All&page=56
- Walter wants to use the insurance money to invest in a liquor store with his friends Willy and Bobo. What do you think has prompted Beneatha to cut her hair short and into … Mrs. The Question and Answer section for A Raisin in the Sun is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Does it stink like rotten meat? A Raisin in the Sun … by degracek. Related Questions. Why is Asagai's present to Beneatha appropriate? Terms in this set 7 1. Who is Joseph Asagai? Discuss the title of the play, A Raisin in the Sun. Posted on Feb Alliteration is a term to describe a literary device in which a series of words begin with the same consonant sound. These comprehension and analysis questions for Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun can be used as an independent reading check, discussion guide, as a study reference, or as an assessment. Maybe it just sags Like a heavy load.Link: https://testdirectory.questdiagnostics.com/test/test-detail/443/alcohol-ethyl-blood?cc=MASTER
- Or crust and sugar over Like a syrupy sweet? He is a school friend of Beneatha and an African intellectual. Delete Quiz. This quiz is incomplete! Getting students to read outside the classroom can be difficult. He is very positive and is looking toward the future. To … 2 years ago. The attitude Beneatha shows towards her brother for the first time in the play, with these words of hers, is respect.Link: https://noypigeeks.com/government/dost-jlss-scholarship/
Saturday, April 24, 2021
A Raisin In The Sun Act 1 Scene 2 Questions And Answers
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