Saturday, April 24, 2021

Answers To Osha Test

  • The OSHA standards A worker has filed a complaint regarding a serious hazard that could result in a fatality or serious injury. How will OSHA most likely respond? Conduct a worksite inspection correct answer B. Contact the employer by phone, fax,...

  • An opening conference, a paperwork review, a closing conference C. An opening conference, a walkthrough, a closing conference correct answer D.
  • Examples of fall hazards that have resulted in deaths on the jobsite include: A. Falls to the ground or lower levels B. Falls through existing floor or roof openings C. Falls through the floor or roof surface D. Falls on the same level E. All the above correct answer Incident investigation should focus on: A. Assigning blame B. Understanding why the accident or near miss occurred C. What actions can be taken to preclude recurrence. Both B and C above correct answer When you've been assigned a new job or task, be sure to ask about the: A. Additional pay and benefits B. Medical expenses that all you co-workers may have D. Easy to identify B. Always marked exactly where they are located D. Always buried in red concrete Get your tests passed AdvanceOnline — www. Always buried in red concrete Although mechanical failures do occur, most accidents while working on with machinery can be attributed to: A.
  • What are the two general types of respirators? Air expelling and Air demanding B. Cool laminar flow and pressure demand laminar flow C. Air purifying and Atmosphere supplying correct answer D. What do we know about the Hazard Communication Standard label requirements? There is no standard format, just required elements correct answer B. There are 19 required elements C. There are only 3 required elements A ladder with the following rating should NOT be used on the construction site? Type IAA B. Type IA C. Type II D. Type III correct answer Minimum clearance distances from power lines include: A. Both A and B above correct answer E. All of the above Soils may be classified as type: A. A, B and C correct answer B. All of the above D. None of the above There are many reasons and causes that can result in a back injury. One of the most common is: A. Lifting improperly or too much weight B. Materials placed on flat concrete C.
  • Turning upper body while lifting or carrying D. Both A and C correct answer E. What is true about Safeguards? The Safeguard must be Secure and tamper-resistant B. Guards and safety devices should be made of durable material C. Safeguards should Create no new hazards or interference D. All of the above correct answer Leading causes of jobsite fires include: A. Please select the best answer B. Easily ignitable flammable materials e. Easily ignitable combustible materials e. The use of a hot work permit E. Both a and b above correct answer Please select the best answer A.
  • Identifying, protecting and reporting B. Erecting, maintaining, disassembling and inspecting correct answer C. Identifying, buying and selling D. All of the above E. The minimum clearance between power lines and any part of a crane or load is A. All of the above Get your tests passed OSHA requires training to be provided within one year of when a safety and health program is first established A. True B. False correct answer The minimum safe distance for equipment operating in proximity to energized power lines that contain up to 50, volts is A.
  • Disposable B. Receptacle correct answer AdvanceOnline — www. Plastic D. None-conductive True correct answer B. False Load chart ratings will differ when: A. Outriggers are fully-extended B. Outriggers are half-extended C. No outriggers picking from rubber D. The most important A. Complexity of training depends on which of the following? Size and complexity of the worksite B. Characteristics of the hazards and potential hazards at C. The training budget D. Both A and B correct answer Federal OSHA requires the employer to initiate and maintain such safety and health programs to ensure a safe and healthful place of employment A. Never B. Sometimes C. True, for all places of employment correct answer If it can not fix a serious hazard immediately, you should A.
  • All first aid treatment forms B. All workers' compensation forms C. Medical and exposure records for all workers D. OSHA B. The local police department C. Your employer correct answer D. The right to equal employment opportunities B. The right to pension benefits C. The right to privacy D. The right to a safe and healthful workplace. Complaint B. Imminent danger correct answer C. Programmed D. Hard hats correct answer B. Logging boots C. Uniforms D. OSHA standards B. State laws D. Additional pay and benefits B.
  • After answering all ten questions, you'll see your score and have the chance to review your answers. Each question is designed to familiarize you with some general safety topics that may be covered on our OSHA Hour Courses and Hour Courses Osha practice test. Establish on non-scaffolded side of wall. Once the wall is adequately suported, the zone can be dismantled. Recognition of unsafe conditions; Avoidance of unsafe conditions Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Call today for more information or view the Thank you for taking our practice exam!
  • In order to be eligible, you must possess three years' experience, including duties of safety, health and environmental practice. These courses are not currently scheduled, but may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information. Recognition of unsafe conditions. Avoidance of unsafe conditions. Prevention of unsafe conditions. All of the above. The program must be in writing All courses are authored and provided by American Safety Council, a market leader in delivering online education related to workplace safety. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading OSHA Exam Prep: by those who just took the exam. The final exam can be taken three times I was rushed on time while taking the OSHA and passed with the help of the online references and quickly looking things up.
  • Do not behave in any manner that would be deemed as cheating or attempting to cheat. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are
  • Under the Right to Know Rule, employers need to include information on which one of the following in a written and complete hazard communication program? Container labeling correct answer B. Employee medical records C. Log of injuries and illnesses 8. Chemical name, hazardous ingredients, physical and chemical characteristics, fire and explosion hazards, compatibility and reactivity, health hazards, precautions for safe use and handling, and control measures are all items that are listed in the Safety Data Sheet SDS?
  • Information on workplace fatalities and catastrophes correct answer D. Information on OSHA regulations Why was it considered necessary to establish OSHA? To assure pay equality for all workers in the nation B. To assure that discrimination does not occur in the workplace C. If a fatality occurs in the workplace, within how many hours must it be reported to OSHA by the employer? Healthful correct answer B. Interesting C. Well paid D. Dangerous General Duty Clause correct answer C. Regulation AdvanceOnline — www. Identification B. Correction correct answer C. Inspection D. Program Which of the following is a resource within the workplace that will help you find information on safety and health issues? Union representatives B. Co-workers C. Labels and warning signs D.
  • All answer choices are correct correct answer Hazardous chemicals correct answer B. Injuries in the workplace C. Machinery maintenance D. Medical examinations When you notice a safety hazard, what should your first step be? Inform your supervisor or manager correct answer C. Call the police department D. Quit your job Though employers are allowed to use appropriate disciplinary, incentive, or drug-testing programs, what are they not allowed to do? Use these programs to discourage employees from exercising their right to report injuries and illnesses correct answer B. Use these programs in an effort to improve workplace safety C. Reward employees for adhering to policies D. Discipline employees for adhering to safety protocols If you have been punished or discriminated against for using your rights, you must file a complaint with OSHA within how many days of the alleged reprisal for most complaints?
  • An employer informs its employees that it will hold a substantial cash prize drawing for each work group at the end of each month in which all members of the work group comply with applicable safety rules, such as wearing required fall protection. Doug sustains a lost-time injury when he falls from a platform while not wearing required fall protection. The employer actively monitors its workforce for compliance with applicable work rules and cancels the cash prize drawings when it discovers work rule violations regardless of whether the employee who violated the work rule also reported an injury.

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