Friday, April 23, 2021

Funny Jokes Question And Answers

  • Question: Which is the loudest state in the U. Question: Why is it that birds fly southwards for the winter? Answer: Because it is much too far to walk. Question: Why is it unpleasant to eat a meal next to a group of basketball players?. Answer:...

  • Answer: Watching the mother-in-law reverse off a cliff driving your brand new car. Question: What is a cow with no legs called? Answer: Ground Beef. Question: Why does a divorce cost so much? Answer: Because it is worth it. By anonymous Funny...
  • What two things can you never eat for breakfast? Lunch and dinner. What gets wetter the more it dries? A towel. What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary? What never asks a question but gets answered all the time? Your cellphone. What goes up but never ever comes down? Your age. How come? She fell off the bottom rung. An envelope. How can a girl go 25 days without sleep? She sleeps at night. How is that possible? Everyone on board is married. How do you make the number one disappear? Rich people want it, poor people have it. A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He stayed in town for three days and rode out on Friday. Friday was the name of his horse.
  • A monkey and a donkey. What will you actually find at the end of every rainbow? A young boy was rushed to the hospital emergency room, but the ER doctor saw the boy and refused to operate. How could this be? What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs? A clock. What can be caught but never thrown? A cold. I start out tall, but the longer I stand, the shorter I grow. What am I? A candle. How many seconds are there in a year? January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, etc.
  • What can run but not walk? How many months have 28 days? All 12! Thanks to me, you can see straight through the wall. A window. Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks? They both weigh exactly one pound. How can the pocket of your pants be empty, but still have something in it? When that something is a hole. Your gloves. There are no windows or doors. How do you get out?
  • Stop imagining. Everyone in the world needs it, but they usually give it without taking it. What is it? What can you hold without touching it at all? A conversation. I am an odd number. Take away one letter and I become even. What number am I? Two mothers and two daughters went out to eat, everyone ate one slice of pizza, yet only three slices were eaten. What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday? Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. What gets sharper the more you use it? Your brain. A man was outside taking a walk when it started to rain. His clothes got soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet.
  • The man was bald. What can you make that no one—not even you—can see? What belongs to you but gets used by everyone else more than you? Your name. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one thousand years? The letter M. If I drink, I die. A fire. A sponge. A comb. First you throw away my outside and cook the inside. Then you eat my outside and throw away my inside. Corn on the cob. Because you throw away the husk, cook the corn. Then you eat the kernels, and throw away the cob. What runs, but never walks. Murmurs, but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. And has a mouth, but never eats? A river. What bird can lift the most weight? A crane. What goes up as soon as the rain comes down? An umbrella. The more you take, the more you leave behind. I have all the knowledge you have. A yardstick.
  • What travels the world while stuck in one spot? A stamp! Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow. Mississippi Its shadow. What has a neck but no head? A bottle. What moves faster: heat or cold? Because you can always catch a cold. A ton.
  • You might like: Good Math Riddles Stump Your Friends In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower. Everything was pink. What color were the stairs? What color socks do bears wear? How do you make a strawberry shake? Tell a scary story. What kind of makeup do trees wear? What is black, white, and read all over?. A newspaper. What do geese have for breakfast? Quacker Oats. What do windows wear on a sunny day? What did the chewing gum say to the shoe? I am stuck on you. Because they hog the ball. What does a shark eat with peanut butter?
  • What did the beach say when the tide came in? Long time, no sea. What did one potato chip say to the other? Shall we go for a dip? Why is it so easy to weigh fish? Because they have their own scales. Why are teddy bears never hungry? Because they are always stuffed. What kind of coat can only be put on wet? A coat of paint. Stinker bell. Why did Peter Pan always fly and never stop?
  • Because he could never never land. Funny Riddles Meme It belongs to you, but people use it more than you do. What is it? Your name. The more of them you take, the more you leave behind. What are they? If a red house is made of red bricks, and a yellow house is made of yellow bricks, what is a green house made of? An onion. What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it? A teapot. What does not ask questions but must be answered?
  • A doorbell. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? A river. The faster you run, the harder it is to catch me. What am I?? Your breath. What two English three-letter words are both past tenses and in which one of them can be derived when the other is written backward? Saw and was. Teacher tip: Use these riddles when you have a few minutes before lunch or post on the chalkboard one per day. A clock. What has teeth, but cannot bite? A comb. I get smaller every time I take a bath. What am I? A bar of soap.
  • Where do fish keep their money? In a riverbank. You can see me in water, but I never get wet. Your reflection. A sponge. I have a mouth but never talk. What type of cheese is made backward.? What letter of the alphabet has the most water? If you enjoyed these brain teasers with answers, please check back again for more and help us continue sharing the hilarity and fun with the world! Research tells us tricky riddles are beneficial for our minds. They not only engage the mind and make us think more creatively, but they also sharpen our memory and are especially great for improving cognitive problem-solving skills in children. And, remember to share riddles with your friends and family. He has co-authored 4 books on trivia and riddles for kids.
  • By Best Life Editors May 29, When it comes to jokes , there are a few tried and true formats: there are knock-knock jokes , question-and-answer jokes, one-liners, and anecdotal jokes. But perhaps simplest of all, there are "what do you call" jokes. These types of jokes are extremely easy to tell, and usually involve everyone's other favorite type of joke: puns. Like a riddle joke you just have to solve, these silly question and answers are a clever way to show your wit and get people laughing. To get the ball rolling, we'll tell you a few "what do you call" jokes right off the bat.
  • What do you call birds that stick together? What do you call a bagel that can fly? A plain bagel! What do you call a snobby criminal walking down the steps? A condescending con descending! What do you call an illegally parked frog? What do you call twin dinosaurs? A pair-odactyls! What do you call a pile of cats? A meow-ntain! What do you call a row of rabbits hopping away? A receding hare line! What do you call the wife of a hippie? A Mississippi! What do you call a monkey that loves Doritos? A chipmonk! What do you call a mac 'n' cheese that gets all up in your face? Too close for comfort food! What do you call a cow in an earthquake? A milkshake! What do you call a cold dog? A chili dog! What do you call a sad cup of coffee?
  • A depresso! What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus! What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador! What do you call a magic owl? What do you call a cow with two legs? Lean beef! What do you call blueberries playing the guitar? A jam session! What do you call a joke you make in the shower? A clean joke! What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter? An irrelephant! What do you call a pony with a cough? A little horse! What do you call a farm that makes bad jokes? What do you call a deer that costs a dollar? A buck! What do you call a fake noodle? What do you call a cat on the rocks? One cool cat! What do you call the fear of being trapped in a chimney? What do you call two birds in love? The best "what do you call" jokes you can't help but laugh at. Shutterstock What do you call it when one cow spies on another? A steak out!
  • What do you call a computer that sings? What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear! What do you call a man with a rubber toe? What do you call it when a cat wins a dog show? A cat-has-trophy! What do you call a smelly Santa? Farter Christmas! What do you call a cat that likes to eat beans? Puss 'n' Toots! What do you call a clown who's in jail? A silicon! What do you call a deer with no eyes? No eye deer!! What do you call a three-footed aardvark?
  • A yardvark! What do you call a dancing lamb? A baaaaaa-llerina! What do you call a meditating wolf? Aware wolf! What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? A sand-witch! What do you call an avocado that's been blessed by the pope? Holy Guacamole! What do you call a tiny mother? A minimum! A private tutor! What do you call someone wearing a belt with a watch on it? A waist of time! What do you call a seagull that flies over the bay? A bagel! What do you call a fat pumpkin? A pumpkin!
  • Q: What do have when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in wet cement? A: Not enough cement. Q: Did you hear they just released a new Barbie doll called "Divorced Barbie"? A: Yeah, it comes with half of Ken's things and alimony. Q: What's the problem with lawyer jokes? A: Lawyer's don't think they're funny, and no one else thinks they're jokes. Q: How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb? A: Fifty four. Eight to argue, one to get a continuance, one to object, one to demur, two to research precedents, one to dictate a letter, one to stipulate, five to turn in their time cards, one to depose, one to write interrogatories, two to settle, one to order a secretary to change the bulb, and twenty-eight to bill for professional services.
  • Q: Where can you find a good lawyer? A: In the cemetery. A: At the city morgue. Q: What's the difference between a porcupine and a Mercedes Benz full of lawyers? A: The porcupine has pricks on the outside. Joke Source: Joke of the Day - Jokes served hot and fresh daily. Currently 5.
  • Q: What can you break without having to touch it? A: A vow. Q: What word do all dictionaries spell wrong? Second of January, second of February… Q: How can somebody walk for 8 days without sleeping? Q: What can you see twice in a week or once in every year — but not once in million months? Where does Friday always come before Thursday? Q: You had 20 men build your house in two months. How long would it take 10 men to build the very same house? The house was already built by the 20 men. Q: What goes up when the water comes down? How on earth does he do that? It is always What can you serve, but you seldom see eaten? Q: Maybe I can hear everything but you'll never hear me say a word. Who am I? Q: When you take 2 out of 3 apples away, how many apples do you have? Q: A man goes out in heavy rain with nothing to protect him from it. How does he do that? Q: A man went for a horseback trip on Friday.
  • He returned two days later on Saturday. How is that possible? What only runs and never walks, what has a mouth and never eats, and has a bed but never sleeps? Q: You can sleep on it, brush your teeth with it and sit on it, what is it? Q: What spends all the time on the floor but never gets dirty? Q: When does a man really like being alone? Q: A doctor gave you 3 pills that you have to take every half hour. How long does it take you to use them all? You took the first one immediately. Q: A guy is driving down the road, his headlights are off, there is no moon. How come? Question: Why can't the T-rex clap? Q: What question can never be answered with a yes? Q: Is it legal to marry the sister of your widow? You are dead anyways. A: Who earns money without working a single day? Q: There are 10 birds sitting on a power line. A hunter shoots two of them, how many birds are left still sitting there?
  • Q: Who can smell without having a nose? Q: Why do people build new houses? Q: What is the difference between a car and toilet paper? A: What do you call the fruits of anger? It gains and loses every month. Q: What nails are a pain to hammer into wood? Q: How many months in the year have 28 days?
  • Q: What can you break without having to touch it? A: A vow. Q: What word do all dictionaries spell wrong? Second of January, second of February… Q: How can somebody walk for 8 days without sleeping? Q: What can you see twice in a week or once in every year — but not once in million months? Where does Friday always come before Thursday? Q: You had 20 men build your house in two months. How long would it take 10 men to build the very same house? The house was already built by the 20 men. Q: What goes up when the water comes down? How on earth does he do that? It is always What can you serve, but you seldom see eaten? Q: Maybe I can hear everything but you'll never hear me say a word. Who am I? Q: When you take 2 out of 3 apples away, how many apples do you have? Q: A man goes out in heavy rain with nothing to protect him from it. How does he do that? Q: A man went for a horseback trip on Friday.
  • He returned two days later on Saturday. How is that possible? What only runs and never walks, what has a mouth and never eats, and has a bed but never sleeps? Q: You can sleep on it, brush your teeth with it and sit on it, what is it? Q: What spends all the time on the floor but never gets dirty? Q: When does a man really like being alone? Q: A doctor gave you 3 pills that you have to take every half hour. How long does it take you to use them all? You took the first one immediately. Q: A guy is driving down the road, his headlights are off, there is no moon. How come? Question: Why can't the T-rex clap? Q: What question can never be answered with a yes? Q: Is it legal to marry the sister of your widow? You are dead anyways. A: Who earns money without working a single day? Q: There are 10 birds sitting on a power line. A hunter shoots two of them, how many birds are left still sitting there?
  • Q: Who can smell without having a nose? Q: Why do people build new houses? Q: What is the difference between a car and toilet paper? A: What do you call the fruits of anger? It gains and loses every month. Q: What nails are a pain to hammer into wood? Q: How many months in the year have 28 days?
  • Communications Enjoy a collection of our jokes and some funny riddles added to it, that is what we are poised to do, giving you lots of funny jokes that will cause you to laugh away your sorrows and brighten your day. Kids Jokes And Riddles 1. What did the tree say to the light bulb? Just had a bright idea! What does the Invisible Man drink at snack time? Evaporated milk. Why was Dracula put in jail? He tried to rob a blood bank.
  • Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9! What kind of place should you never take a dog? To the Flea Market. What do you call a cow in an earthquake? A milkshake! What is black and white and read all over? A newspaper. Where do cows stay when they go on vacation? Why did the millionaire refuse to move to Alaska? What does a frog eat with his hamburger? French Flies! What has four legs, a tail, whiskers and cuts grass? A lawn MEOW-er! Which country is the slipperiest? Why did the pencil cross the road first? He was the LEADer! There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house.
  • Why did the duck cross the road? Because it thought it was a chicken. Why did the turkey cross the road? Because Thanksgiving was right around the corner. Why did the baker go to jail? Because he got caught beating the eggs. Why did the crab cross the road? To get to the other the tide. I have 7 children half of them are boys, what is the other half?
  • They were all boys. Where do pirates like to eat? What kind of flower lives between your mouth and your chin? Because their feet stink. What do you get if you cross a cow and a duck? A creamy quacker! Slow swimmers. What has 6 eyes but cannot see? Three blind mice. Why do Sharks only swim salt water? Because pepper water makes them sneeze! Who does Frankenstein invite to his party? Anyone he can gobble up!
  • What has a forest with no trees, lakes without water, roads with no cars and deserts with no sand? A map! What do ghosts wear on their feet? What fish can help you build a house? A hammerhead shark. Because they just might quack up. What did the cannibal say after he ate a clown? In what way can the letter A help a deaf lady? It can make her hear.
  • Good Jokes And Riddles What travels around the world but stays in one spot? A stamp! What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in one thousand years? The letter M Mississippi A Secret. Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter, I still sound the same. Even take away my letter in the middle, I will still sound the same. I am a five letter word. EMPTY What has hands but can not clap? A clock What can you catch but not throw? A cold. A house has 4 walls. All of the walls are facing south, and a bear is circling the house.

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