Friday, April 23, 2021

Genesis Questions And Answers

  • So let's assume for this question we take these values as literal ages and we learn Adam lived for years. Based on these figures, who is the LAST patriarch listed that could actually have been born during Adam's lifetime? Of course, it is possible...

  • However, it is a bit complex because either total years or total months are considered. Sixty months is equal to 5 years, resulting in intervals of 5 being used at times. So, if we take a look at the case of Adam's age at Seth's birth, you could...
  • Question by author Billkozy. Which of the following is NOT one of them? Although this section of Genesis does not specify where the Euphrates runs, in modern day terms it runs from Turkey through Syria and Iraq, and into the Persian Gulf. The Tigris roughly parallels the Euphrates while the exact locations of the Pishon and Gihon are unknown. The Volga is the longest river in Europe, flowing through western Russia. Question by author andymuenz. We all know Cain and Abel, but who was their third son? Answer: Seth The name Seth means either anointed or compensation. In a way, Seth was compensation for the death of Abel. Abel was killed by Cain in Genesis According to Laban, custom called for the oldest child to be married first. Reuben and Simeon were the first two children born to Jacob from his first wife, Leah.
  • Upon entering the Promised Land, each one of Jacob's children was given a portion of land for them and their descendants. Because Reuben was the first born, he was given the birthright, but lost it when Jacob learned that his son had committed an indiscretion with Rachel's maidservant Bilhah. His birthright was then given to his nephews, Ephraim and Manasseh. When the Israelites entered Canaan, the tribe of Reuben settled east of the Jordan River where land was fertile. Unfortunately, it also left them open for attack. Jacob's second son, Simeon, never got his own tribal area. Instead, he and his descendants blended in with his brother Judah's tribe. Question by author pennie Which patriarch begs God to consider leniency? Answer: Abraham Abraham is the uncle of Lot, a good man living in the otherwise thoroughly wicked city of Sodom, and for the sake of his nephew pleads with God to consider the possibility of good people living there rather than send down judgment immediately.
  • In Genesis , God decides to tell Abraham what he will do in Sodom rather than conceal his plans, due to Abraham's relationship with God as the father of the Jewish people. Question by author merylfederman. Cain killed Abel because he was jealous that God accepted his brother's offering and not his. Cain was punished for this by God. After all this, Eve gave birth to her third son Seth. Question by author rlv He was afraid that if he told the truth, he would be killed. What happened next? Answer: Sarai became a part of Pharaoh's harem. Abram was indeed Sarai's brother as they shared the same father. Pharaoh's people showered Abram with gifts to get her to become a part of Pharaoh's household - that is believed to be an euphemism for joining the harem. However, G-d sent the plague onto the Pharaoh's house until the latter realized the truth of the matter, restored Sarai to Abram, and sent the couple away.
  • Interestingly enough, Genesis then repeats a very similar story twice - about Abraham and Sarah, and then about Isaac and Rebecca. Question by author Ptichka. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Claude Monet Pablo Picasso 9 Your flat-packed universe is a starter set: "in the beginning," before you bought it, "God created the heavens and the earth," so those are included. You should start by making sure that the box contains everything it should. Answer: "The heavens and the earth [are] completed in all their vast array.
  • If you're a fan of the Gospel of John, you might also expect to find the Word, in accordance with John -- "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" -- but the Word isn't explicitly on this contents list. Question by author CellarDoor. Answer: six There are two primary views of the six days of creation. First there are those who believe that the six days were 24 hours each. Then there are those who believe that the days were anywhere from thousands of years to millions of years each. Personally, I would lean more towards a literal interpretation, but the main point to be conveyed here is that God is the Creator and all that exists is His creation.
  • The quiz for youth below will show how much you know the book of Genesis. Although it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate. Check out the answers immediately after the questions. The world was created by God in how many days? What did God do on the seventh day? The account of Adam and Eve disobedience was recorded in what chapter in Genesis? Where was the first Gospel promise found? How old was Methuselah before he died? How many rivers watered the Garden of Eden? How many sons has Noah? What are the names of the rivers that watered the Garden of Eden? Adam lived for how many years? Name the sons of Noah?
  • What kind of wood did God ask Noah to use in building the Ark? The flood in Noah time lasted for how many days? Name the twelve sons of Jacob? Who was the wife of Isaac? Who was the father of Abraham? What was the name of the nearest town that Lot flee to when the angels wanted to destroy Sodom? How many wives has Jacob? Name the wives of Jacob? How many sons has Joseph? How many years did Jacob served Laban before he left with his wives, sons and cattle? How many years did Jacob lived in Egypt before he died? Where did Laban met Jacob when he was running away with his wives, sons and cattle? What is the name of the prince that defiled Dinah the daughter of Jacob? Where did the angel of the lord met Hagar when she was running away from her mistress Sarah?
  • What lie did Abraham told Abimelech the king of Gerar? Who made this statement and to whom? What was the dream of the chief baker of pharaoh while in prison? What was the prayer offered by Abraham servant at Nahor in search of a bride for his master son? What was the Gift offered by Abraham servant to Rebekah? How many men where with Esau when he was coming to meet his brother Jacob?
  • Which are the wild animals that is more crafty than any others? The serpent Q. The serpent to the woman Q. Who asked the first question in the Bible? The first person who lied in human history? Eve Q. What in peculiarity that the woman saw in the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was good? Good for food, pleasing to the eye, desirable for gaining wisdom Q. Whose eyes were opened when the fruit was eaten? The eyes of both Adam and Eve Q. Which is the knowledge that men got soon after they ate the fruit? They realized that they were naked Q.
  • It is not easy to ascertain how far they extended. In the time of Eusebius, they were extant for only Genesis and Exodus H. The explanation of Genesis comprised probably six books, at all events only so much can be certainly pointed out from the quotations. The explanation of Exodus comprised, according to the testimony of Eusebius H. Of these are preserved 1 in the Armenian tongue about the half of these eleven books, viz. Lastly 3 in Greek numerous small fragments still awaiting collection. By the help of the Armenian text it is now settled, that many passages have been taken almost verbally from this work, without mention of Philo's name, by the Fathers and especially by Ambrose.
  • The composition of these Quaestiones et solutiones is in some parts of earlier in other of later date, than that of the large allegorical commentary, as is shown by the allusions to each other in both works. Ge If any one should wish to make an examination of the question of that ark of Noah's on more natural principles, he will find it to have been the preparation of the human body, as we shall see by the examination of each particular respecting it separately. He does this in the first place, because the figure of a square, wherever it may be placed, is steady and firm, consisting as it does of right angles, and it is confirmed in a purer and clearer manner by the nature of the human body.
  • In the second place, he does this because, although our body is an instrument, and although every portion of it is rounded off, nevertheless the limbs which are compounded of all these portions do, by some manner or other, evidently reduce that circular orb to the figure of a quadrangle or square. For example, take the breast which is rather square than circular; in the same manner take the belly, after it is swollen with food or by any natural excess, for there are some men potbellied by nature, who are to be excepted from our present argument. But if any one looks upon the arms and hands, and back and thighs, and feet of a man, he will find all these limbs compounded of a mixture of the square, with the circular figure at the same time.
  • In the third place, a quadrangular piece of wood shows in its extension nearly every sort imaginable of uneven distinction, inasmuch as its length is greater than its breadth, and its breadth greater than its depth. And such also is the formation of our bodies, which are compounded of one extension which is great, of another which is of moderate size, of another which is small, great in its length and small in its depth. A third class of nests are the nostrils, in which the sense of smell is lodged. The fourth nest, which is of larger dimensions than those already mentioned, is the mouth, which is the seat of the taste; and it has been made of large size, since, besides taste, there is also another still more important instrument, which is that of articulate speech, reposing in it, namely, the tongue, which, as Socrates was wont to say, by beating in every direction in various manners, and by touching different parts, composes and forms a word, being, in truth, an instrument under the immediate guidance of reason.
  • And the nest is placed under the skull, and that which is called the membrane of the brain is a certain nest, as it were, of the genius of each man: as also the chest is a nest, in which abide the lungs and the heart, and both these things are receptacles of other internal organs; the lungs being the place in which the power of breathing is lodged, and the heart being the abode of both the blood and the breath, for it has two ventricles, which are, as it were, a certain kind of nests or receptacles in the breast; blood, from which the veins, as if they could perceive its operations, are irrigated; and a breathing-hole, which again is extended over and irrigates the perceptive channels of respiration. And both the harder as well as the softer parts do, like nests prepared for the purpose, nourish the bones as real nests nourish young birds; the harder portion of which, namely, the marrow, is the nest, and the softer flesh is the nest of pleasure and pain; and if any one should wish to investigate the other parts, he will find that, in every respect, the nature of man has much the same foundation as the ark.
  • Pitch is so called by reason of its bird-lime like tenacity, because it glues together whatever was disunited before, so as to form one indissoluble and indivisible joint. For everything which is held together by bird-lime is immediately held to a natural union; but our body being composed of many parts is united on the outside, and is held together by its own proper habit, but the previous habit of connection which binds those things together is the soul, which, being situated in the middle, penetrates through every part till it reaches the surface, and then is turned back again from the surface to the centre, so that our spiritual nature is rolled up compactly in a double fold, being united in a firm solidity and union. Therefore this ark is smeared with pitch, both on the inside and the outside, for the reason here given. But that ark which is placed in the holy of holies, and as covered over with gold, is the similitude of the world appreciable only by the intellect, as is declared in the account given of it: since just as there is a world appreciable by the intellect incarnate in incorporeal figures existing at the same time, consisting of a union of all figures by a certain invisible harmony; for, in proportion as gold is a more noble material than pitch, in the same ratio is that ark, which is in the holy of holies, superior to this one of which we are now speaking.
  • And again, God ordained that its measure should be quadrangular, from a regard to usefulness; but his object in the other ark was not so much that it should be useful as that it should be exempt from all possibility of decay; for the nature of incorporeal things, appreciable only by the intellect, is to be exempt from decay, being incorruptible and permanent.
  • The one ark is tossed to and fro by the winds and the waters, but the other has its station constantly in the holy of holies; and being stable it is akin to divine nature, as the other, which is tossed about in every direction, and moved from one place to another, is akin to and the emblem of created nature. Besides this, that ark of the flood being, as it were, an example of corruption, is raised on high, but the other, which is in the holy of holies, imitates the incorruptible condition of eternity. It was necessary that so vast a work should be constructed in conformity with literal directions, in order that so many animals, some of them of vast size, should be received into it, as individuals of each class were introduced with the food necessary for them; but if the matter is considered properly with reference to its symbolical meaning, then, for the comprehension of the formation of our body, we shall require to make use not of the quantity of cubits, but of the certain principles and proportions which are observed in them.
  • But the proportions which are contained in them are of sixfold, and double, and other portions are added. For three hundred is six times as many as fifty, and ten times as many as thirty; and again fifty is by two thirds a larger number than thirty. Such then are also the proportions of the body; for if any one should choose to investigate the matter and inquire into it carefully in all its points, he will find that man is made in an exact proportion of measurement, neither being too long or too little; and if a string be let down from his head to his feet, he will find that to reach that distance it requires a string six times as long as the width of his chest, and ten times as long as the depth of his ribs and their breadth as a second part of depth added thereto.
  • Such is the certain proportion, received in accordance with nature, of the human body formed on exact measurement of the most excellently made men, who are incorrect neither in the way of excess nor of defect. But again, it was with great wisdom and propriety that God ordained the summit to be completed in one cubit; for the upper part of the ark imitates the unity of the body; the head being forsooth as the citadel of the king, having for its inhabitant the chief of all, the intellect. But those parts which are below the head are divided into separate portions, as for instance into the hands, and in an especial degree into the lower parts, since the thighs, and legs, and feet are all kept distinct from one another, therefore whoever should wish to understand these matters, on the principle which I have pointed out, will easily comprehend the analogy of the cubits as I have related it.
  • But above all things he must not be ignorant that each of these different numbers of cubits has separately a certain necessary proportion and principle, beginning with the first, those in the length of the ark. Therefore in its length it is composed of three hundred units, placed next to one another in continuation, according to the augmentation of units, from these twenty-four numbers, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twentyone, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four. For the number three constantly exhibits, as belonging to itself, the first equality of all, having a beginning, and a middle, and an end, all of which are equal to one another; and eight is the first cube, because it again has declared its first equality with the rest.
  • But the number twenty-four has likewise a great number of other virtues, since it is the substance of the number three hundred, as has been already pointed out; this then is its first virtue; and it has another, since it is compounded of twelve quadrangular figures, joined to one another by a continuous unity; and besides of two long figures, and twelve double figures, being forsooth compounded of twos separately increased by two and two. Therefore the angular numbers which make up together the twelve quadrangular figures are these; one, three, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, fifteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-one, and twenty-three; but the quadrangular figure combines the following numbers, one, four, nine, sixteen, twenty-five, thirty-six, forty-nine, sixty-four, eighty-one, a hundred, a hundred and twenty-one, and a hundred and twenty-four. But those angular numbers which compose the other long figures are these; one, four, six, eight, ten twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty, twenty-two, twenty-four, being twelve in all; and after these come the compound numbers, two, six, twelve, twenty, thirty, forty-two, fifty-six, seventytwo, ninety, a hundred and ten, a hundred and thirty-two, and a hundred and fifty-six; being also twelve.
  • And if you put together the twelve quadrangular figures, you will find a hundred and forty-four, and if you add the other twelve long figures, you will find a hundred and fifty-six; and from the combination of the two you will get the number three hundred, and the concord of full, and complete, and perfect nature rising up to the equal and infinite harmony; for a complete and perfect nature is the maker of equality, according to the nature of a triangle; but the equal and the infinite are the factors of inequality, according to the composition of the other long figure. But the universe consists of a combination of equality and inequality, on which account the Creator himself, even amid the destruction of all earthly things, placed a sort of fixed pattern of stability in the ark.
  • This then is enough to say about the number three hundred. We must now proceed to speak of the fifty cubits, on the following principle; for in the first place it is composed of the right angle of the quadrangular figures; for a right angle is compounded of three, four, and five; and the square of these is nine, sixteen, and twenty-five, the sum total of which when added together is fifty; in the second place, the perfect number fifty is composed of these four triangles linked together, one, three, six, ten; and again of these four equal quadrangles also united together, one, four, nine, sixteen; therefore these triangles when collected together make twenty; and the quadrangles make thirty; and twenty and thirty added together make fifty. But if the triangle and the quadrangle are added together, they make a heptangular figure: so that it is contained by its virtue in the number of fifty, that divine and holy number; to which the prophet had regard when he proclaimed the jubilee festival; and the whole of the jubilee year is free and a deliverer.
  • The third theorem is three triangles beginning with the unit, connected together in a continuous series, and three cubes beginning also with the unit, and connected together in a similar manner, which together make fifty; the examples of the first are one, four, and nine, which make fourteen; the examples of the second are, one, eight, and twentyseven, which together make thirty-six; and the sum total of the two when added together is fifty. That door in the side very plainly betokens a human building, which he has becomingly indicated by calling it, "in the side," by which door all the excrements of dung are cast out. In truth, as Socrates says, whether because he learnt it from Moses or because he was influenced by the facts themselves, the Creator, having due regard to the decency of our body, has placed the exit and passage of the different ducts of the body back out of the reach of the sense, in order that while getting rid of the fetid portions of bile, we might not be disgusted by beholding the full appearance of our excrements.
  • Therefore he has surrounded that passage by the back and posteriors, which project out like hills, as also the buttocks are made soft for other objects. Therefore a great deal of time is necessarily required for the arrangement of so many and such important affairs, nature effecting its operations without difficulty by perseverance. One may almost say that what he had previously spoken in riddles he has now made plain; for there was no other cause for the corruption of mankind, except that, being slaves to pleasure and to desire, they did everything, and were anxious about everything for that reason only; moreover they passed a life of extreme misery.

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