- What is Juliet suggesting with this line? What plans do Friar Laurence and Juliet make? They will tell Capulet the truth and ask him to beg the Prince to allow Romeo's return. Juliet should agree to marry Paris. On the eve of her wedding, she should...Link: https://free-anatomy-quiz.com/
- The potion was too strong and killed Juliet. The nurse would not cooperate. His letter never got to Romeo, so Romeo didn't know that Juliet was not really dead. What does Romeo buy from the Apothecary? Who was supposed to deliver the letter to...Link: https://i3mindware.com/5-iq-factors/short-term-working-memory
- Highlighted key quotes support learning. Scaffolded model answers provided for past exam questions. Scaffolded support is given for CBAs 1 and 2 based on the text of the play. Strong imagery and attractive visual summaries for each act enable students of all abilities to quickly grasp storyline. Revision plans support students in the weeks and days before the final exam.Link: http://backup.acehprov.go.id/15AA757F50D140/ttw-2016-vip-trip-and-3-bike-giveaway-cors.html
- Lesson 6 Key Questions for Students: Can I identify why the themes of truth and secrecy in Romeo and Juliet are important and pick out examples from throughout the text? Key words: clandestine, concealment, hot-seating, mindmap, questions, secrecy, theme, truth Prologue: Opening Discussion Students should come up with three examples of when someone or something in the play is disguised, hidden, done in secret, kept a secret, etc.Link: https://proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=oracle-solaris-11-featureskernel-platform-support-updated
- You could take feedback and build a mindmap on the board that students could copy into their Student Booklet. Students could be divided into five groups, each taking one act from the play that they should read through carefully, looking for evidence before reporting back. Students could also prepare a sheet of evidence that can be made accessible to all their classmates as a revision aid. Students should aim to keep quotations short under 10 words , and write a brief commentary about how their quotation links to the overall theme. Make notes around the scene in the Student Booklet that reflect the importance of these themes in the scene.Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=hLJ551OHjUM
- Try to make links to other parts of the play by cross-referencing. Why are truth and secrecy important themes in the play? How would I describe the development of these themes throughout the play? How do these themes link to the other major themes in Romeo and Juliet that I have studied? Suggested plenary activity… Everyone in the class picks out three key moments that they think are particularly important to bear in mind when thinking about the themes of truth and secrecy.Link: https://fresherslive.com/competitive-exams/crpf-admit-card-103750
- Compare findings. Aside: Further Resource Courts wanted to make sure that all marriages were legal, so they punished priests who performed weddings under irregular circumstances. Other people, including the parents, could challenge a marriage that they did not think was lawful, and have it declared void. All three could be forced to pay a fine or serve public penance for their actions. Key Questions for Students: Can I identify why the theme of family is important and pick out examples from throughout the text? Can I explain the importance of these examples by placing them in the context of the play as a whole? Can I track the overall development of this theme? Enter the Players: Group Tasks 1 Family portraits This activity can be done in two ways: as a quickfire snapshot activity, or by photographing and framing pictures that students take in class of their tableaux.Link: https://diag.net/msg/m27buane43mzq3zhkxeflyo4qk/?m=m7f7tosakgegdkbtl0jkn2d8yy
- They could even make use of props, clothing and backdrops. How would the portraits change as the play moves on? As they rehearse the scene, they should discuss what it shows us about the relationship between Juliet and her parents, recording their ideas about these relationships in the Student Booklet. Enter old Capulet, his wife and Paris. Look you, she loved her kinsman Tybalt dearly, And so did I. Well, we were born to die. I promise you, but for your company I would have been abed an hour ago. Madam, good night; commend me to your daughter.Link: https://era-edta.org/sab/csv/the-greatest-two/37f7df-ap-statistics-unit-1
- Paris offers to go in and Capulet calls him again. I think she will be ruled In all respects by me; nay, more, I doubt it not. Ha, ha. Wednesday is too soon. Exeunt: Closing Questions for Students Why is family an important theme in the play? How does the theme of the family connect to some of the other major themes in Romeo and Juliet? How do the scenes between Lord and Lady Capulet and Juliet help us to understand their relationship? How does Shakespeare establish a contrast between the attitudes and emotions of the older and younger characters? How have any productions or adaptations you have seen made use of the idea of inter-generational conflict?Link: https://ghs.gcisd.net/news/what_s_new/a_p_testing
- Asides: Further Resources Students could compare the relationship between Juliet and her father with other plays by Shakespeare that explore this relationship. Examples of a controlling father and a spirited and determined daughter include the relationships in The Taming of the Shrew and The Merchant of Venice. Men usually waited until age Many men had to finish an apprenticeship and save money to set up a home. Because people were encouraged to marry someone from the same social class, children of wealthy people had fewer suitable choices. There is an interesting text about the differences between the older and younger generations in the play on the Playing Shakespeare with Deutsche Bank microsite: Key Questions for Students: Can I identify why the themes of age and time are important in the play and pick out examples from throughout the text? Key words: age, chronology, haste, soliloquy, structure, theme, time, timeline, tragedy, urgency, youth Prologue: Opening Discussion Ask students to open the play text at a random page and to scour the dialogue on that page for a reference to time, however brief.Link: https://cambodiaexpatsonline.com/newsworthy/most-cambodia-tuktuk-drivers-have-license-t28524.html
- Share findings as a class. Create a timeline of events, including quotations and pictures for the Student Booklet. Students should choose or be allocated one of the following scenes: Act 2 Scene 6 Act 4 Scene 1 Act 5 Scene 2 Students should prepare a reading of their scene for the rest of the class. As they rehearse the scene, they should notice references to the importance of time and how this might be reflected in their performance, e. They should add stage directions for the actors and any other ideas they have about creating a particular mood in relation to time.Link: https://sps186.org/downloads/basic/68880/hte183.pdf
- For example, how might music be used to create a mood of haste or urgency? Before reading, students should recap what has happened directly before this scene and add this to their notes. Such a wagoner As Phaeton would whip you to the west And bring in cloudy night immediately. Lovers can see to do their amorous rite By their own beauties; or, if love be blind, It best agrees with night. Come, civil night, Thou sober-suited matron all in black, And learn me how to lose a winning match, Played for a pair of stainless maidenhoods. Hood my unmanned blood, bating in my cheeks, With thy black mantle, till strange love grow blood, Think true love acted simple modesty. Come, gentle night, come, loving, black-browed night, Give me my Romeo, and when I shall die Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night And pay no worship to the garish sun.Link: https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/mah-cet-exam-centres
- O, I have bought the mansion of a love But not possessed it, and though I am sold, Not yet enjoyed. So tedious is this day As is the night before some festival To an impatient child that hath new robes And may not wear them. Ask students what happens next in this scene and to add this information to their annotations. Discuss the idea of dramatic irony in relation to this scene and to a particular staging of it. Exeunt: Closing Questions for Students Why is time an important theme in the play? How does the theme of time connect to some of the other major themes in Romeo and Juliet? What is the dramatic effect of events following on so closely from one another? Read the very end of the play again, i. Act 5, Scene 3, line onwards. What is said about the future? Students could think about the symbolism of these numbers — the unlucky connotations of thirteen and the association of the number fourteen with the sonnet form, used so much in this play.Link: https://efm.sewanee.edu/faq/jit-at-arnold-palmer-hospital-case-study-answers/22/
- Students could also place these ages in their historical and social context. How are the past events of the play summarised in the closing lines? Key Questions for Students: Can I identify why the themes of fate and death are important, and pick out examples from throughout the text? Now read the following extract of criticism by John Wain: "Characteristically, those comedies concern themselves with the inborn, unargued stupidity of older people and the life-affirming gaiety and resourcefulness of young ones. The lovers thread their way through obstacles set up by middle aged vanity and impercipience. Parents are stupid and do not know what it best for their children or themselves.Link: http://staging.bodytech.com.co/cgi-bin/file.php?article=wisconsin-boater-safety-final-exam-answers-pdf&code=03dfb56e6c374c6a47ae2d739b911ef7
- Enter the Players: Group Tasks 1 Foreshadowing As a class, look for places in the text where a tragic outcome is foreshadowed, e. Ask students to consider the following questions: What kinds of words and motifs recur in the play to give these tragic hints? The purpose of the report is to establish to what extent Romeo and Juliet are responsible for their own deaths. Exeunt: Closing Questions for Students Why is death an important theme in the play? How would I describe the development of this theme throughout the play? How does this theme link to the other major themes in Romeo and Juliet that I have studied?Link: https://newmediaworkshops.com/pivot-interactives-answer-key-physics/
- Suggested plenary activity… Everyone in the class picks out three key moments that they think are particularly important to bear in mind when thinking about fate and death. Students could stage a series of interviews as part of the police investigation. Ask students to consider how many characters die in Romeo and Juliet, at which point in the play, and whether the deaths occur on or off stage. The critic A. The creative writing task could be dual-assessed for reading and writing. Key Questions for Students: Can I write about the themes of the play in a connected and coherent way? Can I demonstrate confidence in my handling of abstract ideas, but continue to show that my analysis is firmly grounded in the text? Key words: abstract, analysis, coherent, issues, mood, symbolism, themes Prologue: Opening Discussion Students could be given an item and have a minute to prepare an explanation of how it relates to the play.Link: https://theexamdumps.com/eca-exam-dumps
- The items can be chosen at random e. They can only have five items for their display. Students should choose five items that they think convey the essence of the play, i. Students could be given a list to choose from, e. They are welcome to add their own ideas as well. Their items do not even need to be mentioned in the play; students simply need to be able to justify their reasons convincingly. As an extension task, students could write captions for the museum with a word limit of words per item. How are these ideas connected in the text? Listen to a few examples. Aside: Further Resource Students could use the card game mentioned in the Key Stage 3 materials, which generates different aspects of the text in a random way.Link: https://psc.ap.gov.in/(S(l515tvwvk2gftjxg50w3rp2b))/Documents/KEYS/OSA-666%20set%20A.pdf
- A character that embodies a single personality trait 2 A character that embodies many personality traits. They are similar to a "real" person 3 A character who sets off another character by contrast 4 A play where the central character meets with great misfortune or disaster 5 Tragic hero The main character of a drama that meets his end by either fate, character flaw, or a combination of the two. The hero is typically a character that the audience roots for making the utimely ending all the more sorrowful 6 A contrast between what the audience perceives and what a character does NOT know 7 A speech in which a character is alone on stage and expresses thoughts out loud 8 A long, uninterrupted speech presented in front of other characters 9 Aside Words spoken by a character in a play, usually un an undertone and not intended to be heard by the other characters 10 Five verse feet with each foot an iamb a total of ten syllables 11 Explanations of descriptions in a play 12 What event does the Prologue foreshadow?Link: https://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130624161204AAbDkxV
- Romeo and Juliet's deaths, the two families making peace 13 In Act 1, what message does the Prince give to Capulet and Montague? No fighting or you'll be put to death 14 Why does Romeo agree with Benvolio's plan to go to the Capulet party? He's showing that he's doing it for the long term effects in hopes of making peace with the two families 16 What makes Romeo's love for Juliet different from his love for Rosaline? Romeo's love for Rosaline was unrequited. His love for Juliet was instantly and completely returned 17 What did Tybalt do that motivated Romeo to kill him? Tybalt killed Mercutio. Mercutio was Romeo's only good friend and he was enraged by his death. She is trying to find a way out of having to marry Paris when she is already married to Romeo. He is relieved and reschedules the wedding to the next morning 22 Foreshadowing The use of hints or clues in a narrative to suggest what action is to come 23 What are some fears Julirt has about the potion?Link: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/317155/unexpected-end-of-file-in-shell-script
- Friar Lawrence gave the message to Friar John to deliver. John went to find somebody to accompany him. But he was in the city visiting the sick. When John found him, the town health officials suspected they were both in a house that had been hit with the plague. They quarantined the house. John couldnt go to Mantua because he was stuck there 25 Why does Romeo decide to poison himself after he learns of Juliets death? He has lost his interest in living 26 What causes Friar Lawrence to go to the churchyard? His message to Romeo was not delivered, he has to assir Juliet when she wakes 27 What does Romeo notice when he gazes upon Juliet in the tomb? That here cheeks are rosey, her lips are warm, and she doesnt look deadLink: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_vacuum_thruster
- Who asks his uncle to kick Romeo out of the feast? Tybalt In the prologue, the voice that gives us the background for the play is called… Chorus To which powerful figure is Paris related to? Mercutio How and where does Romeo die? Romeo dies in Juliets tomb by poison After discovering the letter was not delivered, what does Friar Lawrence set out to do? Sets out to find Juliet Who is inside Juliets tomb when Romeo arrives there? Paris Who reads the letter, in the end of the play, that Romeo writes to Romeos father? To the Notery Who does Mercutio curse when he is stabbed? Both Households; the Capulets and Montagues Which member of the Capulet household in not only aware of the marriage, but is assisting with it? Nurse In what area is Friar Lawrence an expert? To heal the bonds of both households, Montagues and Capulets. Who is Romeo passionately in love with in the first two scenes of the play? Rosaline How is Tybalt related to Juliet?Link: https://nextleveltc.com/bbyo-notable-ejz/cac99a-embedded-c-online-test
- Star-crossed lovers What does Romeo first compare Juliet to during the balcony scene? The morning sun Where do Romeo and Juliet first meet? He is currently locked up in Quarantine house Who challenges Romeo in a letter? Tybalt After Juliet awakens, where does Friar Lawrence tell her he will take her? Balthazar What does the apothecary sell to Romeo?Link: https://stata.com/meeting/uk11/abstracts/UK11_jann.pdf
- Poison Why does the Apothecary agree to sell Romeo poison? The Capulets servants ask them to read the guest list for the party Why is Romeo exiled? Friar Lawrence.Link: https://amazon.com/2020-Texas-Estate-Questions-Answers-ebook/dp/B082S37YFG
- PDF Take our free Romeo and Juliet quiz below, with 25 multiple choice questions that help you test your knowledge. Determine which chapters, themes and styles you already know and what you need to study for your upcoming essay, midterm, or final exam. Take the free quiz now! Directions: Click on the correct answer. Questions of What finally causes Romeo to fight? Mercutio's death and Tybalt's triumph. Mercutio's condemnation of the families. Conceal the marriage from Juliet's parents. Smile upon Romeo and Juliet's marriage. Prepare Romeo and Juliet for hardship.Link: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20190826063118AAABsvV
- The potion Juliet plans to take will do what? Cause her to sleep peacefully until the wedding. Cause her to die and come back to life. Cause her to forget she is married to Romeo. Why was Friar John prevented from delivering Romeo's letter? He was quarantined due to an infectious illness in the town. He was told Romeo was ill and could not have visitors.Link: https://cbancnetwork.com/questions/view/bcee7945089f13b76ce5d9b9e579d34b
- He was afraid to visit a town with an infectious pestilence. In Act 2, Scene 5, the nurse shares Romeo's plan to do what? Bribe the guards to let him in. Climb into Juliet's room using a rope. Next Page.Link: https://opentextbc.ca/clinicalskills/chapter/1-8-masks/
- Sample Questions Provide examples of Romeo being unfit for adulthood and all that it encompasses for example, getting married. Answer: In addition to being too young for marriage, Romeo makes rash decisions and is carried too much by emotions. Examples include the quick switch from Rosaline to Juliet, the only difference being his feelings for Juliet do not go unrequited I, i, and II, iv, , his inexcusable behavior at the cell of Friar Lawrence III, iii, and III, iii, , and the ultimate decision to kill himself.Link: https://weegy.com/?ConversationId=GZX0TEV9&Link=i
- A jewel This is an example of what literary device? Wherefore art thou Romeo? Why are you a Montague? Why does the Friar agree to marry Romeo and Juliet? He believes it will end the family feud Choose the best set of words that fit into the blanks respectively. Evidence For : 1 The only difference between the two is that Juliet returns his love. See above. What role does fate play in the tragic ending? What should be done with Friar Lawrence? Evidence Against: Friar Lawrence is an ecclesiastical leader and should, therefore, be held to a higher standard.Link: https://petersons.com/blog/how-to-prepare-for-the-firefighter-exam-video/
- Being able to intelligently discuss these Romeo and Juliet questions and others like it will prepare you to do well on any Romeo and Juliet quiz. This post is part of the series: Romeo and Juliet Study Helps Impress your friends and teachers with your knowledge of Romeo and Juliet.Link: https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/mbbs-fees
- The test asked about Tybalt's hatred of the Capulet family. But Tybalt, you may remember, is a Capulet — he was Juliet's cousin. His hatred was for the Montagues. I'm Noel King. As if Shakespeare wasn't difficult enough, a British exam board is in hot water after more than 14, students took a test with a confounding question about "Romeo And Juliet. But Tybalt, you may remember, is a Capulet. He's Juliet's cousin. He hated the Montagues. Now, that's a tragedy. All rights reserved. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at www. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by Verb8tm, Inc. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future.Link: https://support.rockgympro.com/hc/en-us
- Answer both questions below the text. And yet I wish but for the thing I have: My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite. Start with an overview Love is at the centre of the play and drives much of the action as Shakespeare uses the characters to explore the many different aspects of love.Link: https://localexam.com/search/projectile-motion-practice-answer-key
- Sex outside marriage would be outside the boundaries of acceptable behaviour in the Elizabethan era and Shakespeare again is showing their love to be true and pure. This reflects the conflict between the profane and the sacred in the play. Romeo is seen as more down-to-earth. This is reflected in the staging of the balcony scene when Juliet is above Romeo. The conflict between the profane and the secular is reconciled when Romeo and Juliet are married and so have the blessing of the Church and so love is presented as a pure and elevating emotion which improves Romeo. Here, she is seeking her own pleasure and the command verbs capture this control she has taken over her own life. In the theatre, the audience would have been fidgeting and chatting so humour would have been a device to hold their attention.Link: https://chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers/memory-test-run-see-8-year-olds-different-memory-retention-18-year-olds-50-8-year-olds-tes-q72788300
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Romeo And Juliet Exam
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